
Retro-Throwback Video – Remastered Shannon Courtney Upper Body Flex-a-thon!

Absolutely HUGE and perfectly PEAKED – get the newly remastered Shannon Courtney video today in the HDPhysiques Studio here at HDPhysiques.TV!

Hey folks – we’ve got a special RETRO video today – some incredible Shannon Courtney from her Bodybuilding pro card winning weekend.   Posted as a special in the HDPhysiques Clips Studio, you’ll see Shannon at nearly her biggest size, and definitely her most ripped!   At only 22 yrs old in this video, she is truly a special athlete in the history of female muscle!    For much more Shannon, remember to see more of her at as well as!

Description: Raw Power. Shredded Muscle. Striations. Vascular. Veins. Terrifying Strength. Thick, Meaty Chest. Massive Back.  This video is a dream for upper body fans!

Powerful PEAKS! Get the remastered Shannon Courtney video today in the HDP Studio here at HDPhysiques.TV!